Thursday, August 11, 2011

.. Sad Goodbyes!

Three days after graduation, On July 1st 2011, we were supposed to have our graduation party. We all worked HARD for it. There was so much to and so little time. Dance practices to attend, shopping to finish and through it all, enjoying was never amiss! :)

The day started really tough for me, with the news that Raif, my only sibling was really really sick. He was back in addu and I spent the noon worrying over it. However, as there was nothing much I could do about it and sitting at home was driving me nuts, I went to school. Things were hectic there. We practiced till it was evening and I left to do some urgent shopping with sam and haisham, in a hurry. We had to get so much stuff and time was running fast!

We bought shirts and trousers for sam and haisham, and then these gorgeous heels for me. We also managed to get earrings and it was fun.... UNTILL, I saw my dress which we got at the last minute. It was a complete disaster and absolutely NOTHING like the designs I gave. The shops were already closed by then and I sat at home, overwhelmed with it all and crying because I had fretted so much over my dress and it looked ugly.

Rish and I were supposed to dress in our costumes and leave to school in less than one hour. I called her and told her about my emergency.. Rish was a sweetheart and she said we'd fix it together somehow, and at her place, her sisters somehow managed to make it look a lil presentable. Rish always knows what to do! I love her.

Anyway, me and rish arrived at school almost in time for our dance and then came another disaster. There we were on the stage, with NO MUSIC. And we had to leave. By then, I was at my breaking point. It embarrassed me to no end and I was so very heartbroken .. until this young hero from the youngest batch at school, who claimed to be 'MALIK JAMAL' saved the day! :)

All of the girls in Freaks XD decided to put together an Arabic dance for the evening, and it turned out wonderfully. Yeah, those were my ladies!! :)

After the dance, I was tired and happy that we actually did it.. with so less time and even less practice. What I wasnt expecting was.. any more unpleasant surprise. But no, then cam the worst news I ever got that day O_O

Mom called me to inform that Raif was very, very sick and I broke down that very moment. To this day, I remember the way how those very loved people came there and stayed with me through it. Rish was crying as much as me! I was about to leave, but then again decided that I'd go mad at home. So, I slowly dressed
up and forced myself to stay there.
Later, pretty much everywhere I went, there were tears and people who didn't want to leave.It was one hell of a night and once again, Me, Mawaf, Mua and this time Rish were the last people to leave the school.

This was another day which I'd never forget!

Here's me, in the ruined dress which rish fixed for me :P

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